Photo#1.1 Dark breasted bird (#1). This bird's dark breast, small size and bill, and short neck made it stand out from the Canada geese, 10/16/09
Photo 1.2- Bird #1 and Canada goose, 10/16/09
Photo 1.3 Bird#1 in flight, 10/16/09
Photo 2- Bird #1 with a second (Bird #2) cackling goose. Bird #2
Photo #3 10/20/09 (from here on)- Cackling Goose- Rear view
Photo #4 Cackling Goose... profile... this image may have gotten streched lenght wise a little bit
Photo #5 Cackling Goose (right) Canada (left)
Photo #6 Cackling Goose in front of Canada goose (10/20/09)
Photo #7 - 3 geese.... The dark breasted bird on the left is the IDed Cackling Goose, the goose in question the bird on the right side of the image... to my untrained Cackling mind, this bird looks good for a "typcial" Richardsons??
Photo #8 - bird in question is in the front, walking left... note smaller bill, shorter neck and white patches